Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Outside my window... Blue skies with puffy white clouds and LOTS OF SUNSHINE!!!
I am thinking... I need to get busy on the laundry
I am thankful for... school starting soon! Maybe we can get back into some sort of routine!
From the kitchen... Brauts and Burgers tonight on the grill
I am wearing... Lavendar tee and plaid shorts
I am creating... havoc
I am going... to scream! Jake won't quit crying!!!
I am reading... What to Expect the First Year
I am hoping... Jake cuts his teeth in soon!
I am hearing... Jake crying from his bed!!!
Around the house... Laundry laundry laundry!
One of my favorite things... No laundry
A few plans for the rest of the week: I have a class the next two mornings and then work the weekend!
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
Me and my family the day I graduated from college!
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to start your own...

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Outside my window... Stars in the sky
I am thinking... Pat should go turn the sprinklers off!
I am thankful for... my wonderful hubby
From the kitchen... Deep fried pies from Turner Fall OK.. YUM!
I am wearing... PJ's
I am creating... a plan to attack my laundry tomorrow
I am going... crazy trying to keep the baby asleep
I am reading... nothing at the moment
I am hoping... Jake can sleep all night
I am hearing... the DIY network
Around the house... Kids in bed, Hubby on computer and so am I
One of my favorite things... Watching nature shows on Discovery Channel in HD with my kids and seeing the wonder in their eyes
A few plans for the rest of the week: Get the closets cleaned out and the laundry caught up!
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

My hot hubby after losing over 100 lbs!
Visit http://thesimplewomansdaybook.blogspot.com/
to start your own...

Friday, August 6, 2010

Outside my window...night
I am thinking...about going to bed
I am thankful for...good friends
From the kitchen...chocolate covered donuts
I am wearing...my pjs
I am creating...nothing at the moment
I am going...to the farmers market tomorrow I hope
I am reading...the newspaper daily
I am hoping...to fall right asleep
I am hearing... the clock ticking
Around the house...everyone is sleeping
One of my favorite things...hanging out at the pool
A few plans for the rest of the week: Relax and get the house straightened back up
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

Jake loves to swim...

Visit http://thesimplewomansdaybook.blogspot.com/
to start your own...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Simple Woman's Daybook

Outside my window... Lots of sunshine, not a cloud in the sky!
I am thinking... About my laundry list of things that need to get done before I go to work tonight
I am thankful for... My family: my wonderful hubby, and 3 amazing boys!
From the kitchen... Dirty dishes! UGH! Is it really that hard to rinse them when you are done?
I am wearing... PJs still, getting in the shower soon because Kyle has synchro practice @ 11
I am creating... a new blog I hope!
I am going... to the pool for synchro, then maybe back to school shopping???
I am reading... The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo... and having a hard time getting into it!
I am hoping... To get a nap before work tonight!
I am hearing... Kyle playing Little Big Planet on the PS3
Around the house... Brent and Jake are sleeping, Kyle playing PS3 and laundry is running... now for a shower!
One of my favorite things... The newness of back to school!
A few plans for the rest of the week: Work tonight and tomorrow night then off until the 13th!!! WOOHOO!

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

If you are interested in your own Simple Women's Daybook look here


Why am I sitting here wide awake when everyone else is sound asleep???

Is it because I work night shift and my body is anticipating working tomorrow night?

Is it because Jake was just awake a little while ago and my body is afraid he will be awake again soon?

Is it because I am too freaking hot to sleep?

I am going to try once again to hit the sack... Pray I can get some sleep otherwise tomorrow night is going to be a LONG night!!!


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Ah... August heat wave... UGH!

Ok gonna try and to this again!

Seriously why does August have to be so flippin hot? It is only 9:30 am and I am sweating INDOORS!!! I have even set foot outside yet! Unfortunately I have to leave the house... Brent and Kyle both have dentist appointments today @ 10:30. I am wishing I had the car today instead of the van, then I could use the remote start to cool the car off before we went outside! Oh well! Maybe an evening @ the pool is in order... Hopefully the football coach will cancel practice due to the heat. We were close to getting cancelled yesterday
Oh well! See ya tomorrow!